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Download Novel Karya Fredy S Pdf

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Sodium and potassium uptake by the heavy metal-tolerant alga Skeletonema costatum (Dinophyceae) in the presence of Cadmium and Zinc.
Skeletonema costatum (Dinophyceae) is a microalga used as a biopesticide for the control of harmful algae in eutrophic waters. Little is known about its tolerance mechanisms to heavy metals. In this study, the uptake of sodium and potassium by this microalga was investigated in the presence of CdCl(2) and ZnCl(2). The study of Na(+), K(+), Cd(2+) and Zn(2+) uptake was performed by using single-species and two-species bioassays in batch systems. The results obtained demonstrated that in single-species bioassays, Skeletonema costatum accumulated Cd(2+) and Zn(2+) at high levels in the presence of both metal ions, but had low affinity for sodium and potassium. In contrast, in two-species bioassays, the presence of Zn(2+) caused a significant reduction in the uptake of Cd(2+) by Skeletonema costatum, while having no effect on the accumulation of Zn(2+) by Skeletonema costatum. Nevertheless, the presence of Cd(2+) induced a greater inhibition of the uptake of both sodium and potassium by Skeletonema costatum. In the presence of Cd(2+) the uptake of Na(+) and K(+) decreased by 40% and 32%, respectively, while when Zn(2+) was present, the uptake of both ions decreased by 45% and 50%, respectively, as compared to the controls. These

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The Night of the Twelfth is a 2012 documentary television series, focusing on the mythic tale of what are generally considered the 9th and 10th day of October as Halloween in the United States.


The Night of the Twelfth was produced by Marc Sapperstein and Alex Johnson, the owners of the now-defunct Wonderland Entertainment. The producers were assisted by Frank Giglio and Amanda Grootemaat.


The team collected footage in various places and times of year—from the heart of the Halloween industry, to Halloween specialist and costume suppliers, to haunted attractions, to nightlife clubs.

Broadcast and distribution

The Night of the Twelfth premiered in October 2012, featuring parts 1 and 2 on PBS as part of its Independent Lens documentary series. A 10-episode season was produced in 2013.

Season 1 of The Night of the Twelfth was released as a DVD in a box set that included the documentary, bonus materials and the soundtrack of the show.


External links

Category:2012 American television series debuts
Category:2013 American television series endings
Category:2010s American documentary television series
Category:American anthology television series
Category:PBS original programmingOccupy Wall Street (“OWS”) has been showing up on the evening news.



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