CONTENT.php Template-parts

Sockso is an application to send files to other users, directly, person-to-person. It involves no central server, and can be used by people with both static and dynamic IP addresses. It works at the sender’s convenience, queueing files for transmission to other users, and holding them in a queue until successfully sent. If you regularly exchange files with other people, SockeToome can simplify your life.
Here are some key features of “Sockso”:
■ both retries and resumes transfers
■ transmits directly between the sender’s and receiver’s computers
■ involves no central server, preserving your privacy
■ works at the sender’s convenience as well as at the receiver’s
■ works between Macs and PCs
■ can handle up to four outgoing and three incoming transmissions simultaneously
■ is very simple to set up and run
■ is particularly suitable where two parties regularly exchange files
■ works with both static and dynamic IP addresses
■ utilises a priority-based queueing system
■ allows messages to be sent with files
■ features comprehensive logging
■ can be run unattended
■ features many queue management facilities
■ can be used to back up critical files to a friend’s computer
No longer is it necessary:
■ to upload to a server for subsequent download, or
■ to run a server and notify people when the server is online, or
■ to entrust your files to email, or
■ for both parties to be at their computers at the same time
Just pop your files into the send queue, and leave Sockso running. When the other person comes online, Sockso will transmit the files.

SOC-SOCKS is a secure SOCKS 5 tunnel with an optional embedded HTTP proxy. It uses configurable and variable timeouts for both protocols (SOCKS and HTTP). HTTP proxy can be either enabled or disabled, and used only when both endpoints are behind it.

Image-Collector is an application that downloads images from the web, and adds them to a DB. All images are added to the DB, and an image browser is provided for browsing your collection.
Key features:
– Images are added to a database
– Download images via a browser or command-line
– Add images to the 70238732e0

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– Allows users to easily change the values of these manifest files:
– Uses the application theme when coding the XML files
– The implementation of the title bar can be done by using a simple menu, which can be found in the MainActivity.class file
– Deactivates the full screen mode
– Deactivates the title bar
– Allows the user to easily modify the interface
– AI Manifest editor will not automatically scale the images generated by the application, but users can easily scale the generated images.
Main features:
– Uses the application theme when coding the XML files
– Deactivates the full screen mode
– Deactivates the title bar
– Allows the user to easily modify the interface
– AI Manifest editor will not automatically scale the images generated by the application, but users can easily scale the generated images.
– Android
Install Instructions:
– Extract archive into the Android application directory.
Version History:
Version 1.0: First public version.
Version 1.5: Added an alternative to set the title bar.
You must have App Inventor 1.3 or above installed in order to install this

Need of this
This tool will be very useful when we try to publish new apps to Google Play Store. It is a very powerful tool but need to be carefully configured so it works in a smooth manner.



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