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Isoptikon Crack Download PC/Windows

– Isoptikon provides the means to draw isoptic cubics and isoptic conics in normal and reverse direction and to determine their properties.

– The general purpose of Isoptikon is to provide the means to help understand and produce classical figures in Geometry in the way of plotting them on the screen and/or printing them on paper, but also in the context of studying the theory of isoptics.

– The calculations are based on very precise results.

– The program is intuitive.

– A very easy to learn, with the help of samples, many tutorials and with many other material on Geometry.

– The program is freeware and can be freely distributed, though not for commercial use without the permission of the authors.

Isoptikon capabilities

– The drawing isoptics, that is, an isoptic figure in normal and reverse direction

– General purpose, but can also be used to study the theory of isoptics

– A very easy to learn, with the help of samples, many tutorials and with many other material on Geometry.

– Freely distributed

– Intuitive

– Very accurate results

– Freeware

– Can be used for commercial purposes without the permission of the authors

– Can be used for educational purposes

How to use Isoptikon

The first step of using the program is to choose the type of figures that you need to draw.

– Choose, for each figure, the variable which you need for your calculations, either the conic number (for a conic), the inverse conic number (for a reverse conic), or a rational number (for an isoptic cubic).

– Then press the button: **draw**.

– This will open a dialog box where you will see the figure.

– In the dialog box you can choose the conic number or the inverse conic number for the figure, and the dimensions of the figure in order to have a good view of the drawing.

– After choosing the conic number or inverse conic number, press the **add to the drawing** button.

– The figures

Isoptikon Crack For PC [2022-Latest]

The Keymacro is a utility program for typing in long programs and letters for the keyboard.
It’s written in BASIC and you don’t need to have BASIC on your computer to use the program. The program will run even if you don’t have a BASIC on your computer.
KEYMACRO Features:
It’s a program that enables you to type in long programs and letters for the keyboard without the need to use the ALT key. It’s a very useful utility program.
Other features:
Main program. New Programs are developed, modified or fixed. Errors are corrected by the programmer, who maintains the database of program codes and program names in the program.
One database of names and codings for each program, there are many names and many codings. It’s possible to add, modify or delete any program in a database. This program uses a database for the first time. Keymacro is a web site. You can use the tool for searching for information about the program.
The program’s database contains the most recent information and updates of the program regularly. provides the opportunity for the user to write comments on any program of the database.
Notes for the programmer. Notes are designed for the programmers, who make modifications to the programs.
Have any problems, corrections, or questions about the program?
Write to us, we will answer and do our best to solve any problem or find a solution.
This program is distributed as freeware for users and persons wanting to learn to program in BASIC. This program is free.
You may use this program for private and non-commercial purposes. However, this program may not be used for commercial purposes without the permission of the author.

– This program is an advanced and professional project for creating programs for the creation of programs in BASIC.
– The program is developed with the powerful BASIC language, which enables you to write your own programs.
– The program is a complete workbench for creating programs and programs for your programs.
– The program is written in BASIC with the syntax of BASIC in PRINT statements.
– The program includes programs for BASIC, ZX80, BASICA, CONSOLE, DOS, Windows, DOS 6502 and MAC.
– The program is a complete workbench for creating programs and programs for your programs.

Isoptikon Full Product Key












































































































































































What’s New in the?

Isoptikon is a high precision drawing program used to produce quickly high-precision drawings of Euclidean Geometry.
Isoptikon is a strictly Euclidean Geometry program.
Isoptikon is not a full course on Euclidean Geometry. It was designed to be a program to produce quickly high-precision drawings of Euclidean Geometry.
It is a program for the study of the so called “isoptic” cubics, The reason of that choice is that isoptic cubics have a simple parametric equation.
Isoptikon is not a program to build mathematical models of the physical world.
The program is freeware and can be freely distributed, though not for commercial use without the permission of the authors.

Isoptikon Help:

(F1) Help-about-Isoptikon (Online):
Isoptikon – What’s Isoptikon about?

(F1) Help-About-Isoptikon (Offline):

(F1) Help-System-Run-Isoptikon (Offline):

(F1) Help-Run-Isoptikon (Offline):

(F1) Help-Examples-Isoptikon (Offline):

(F1) Help-Examples-Isoptikon (Online):

(F1) Help-Isoptikon-Tutorials-Isoptikon (Offline):

(F1) Help-Tutorials-Isoptikon (Offline):

(F1) Help-Tutorials-Isoptikon (Online):

(F1) Help-Tutorials-Isoptikon-How-Isoptikon-is-used (Offline):

(F1) Help-How-Isoptikon-is-used-In-Theory-And-Practice (Offline):

(F1) Help-How-Isoptikon-is-used-In-Theory-And-Practice (Online):

(F1) Help-Movies-How-To-Use-Isoptikon-To-produce-The-Geometry-Drawings-And-How-To-Use-The-Program-To-View-The-Results-Of-The-Produced-Geometry-Drawings (Offline):

(F1) Help-Movies-How-To-Use-Isoptikon-To-produce-The-Geometry-Drawings-And-How-To-Use-The-Program-To-View-The-Results-Of-The-Produced-Geometry-Drawings (Online):

(F1) Help-Structure-of-Isoptikon-L

System Requirements For Isoptikon:

-Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Mac OS X 10.6 or later (The Mac version does not require OS X 10.6)
-20 GB available hard drive space
-32-bit CPU
-GPU with 4 GB RAM or more
-Internet connection
-JDK 1.7 or later
-At least one free space in the user’s home directory
-Java version 1.6 or later, Java 3D version 1.3 or later (or compatible
