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JoyToAny Crack+ Activation Key For PC

JoyToAny is a addon for any Gamepad or Joystick and therefore it enables you to use your Gamepad/Joystick in a more comfortable way, if you are missing the mouse pointer.
You can map your joystick axis to any control, you can use a button to toggle menus or sliders to change volume.
You can also change your controls to your favorite or not favorite controls or even remap the controls entirely.
How to use?
1.) Download the latest version (which is 0.4.3 currently) and start the updater (tutorials and videos are in the section below)
2.) When you first start up, you have to add the joystick/gamepad to your system
3.) Once this is done, press start button and start the updater
4.) Install the updater (only needed once)
You can update the latest version with the updater.
Here are some tutorials on how to use JoyToAny.
* Short tutorial on how to use JoyToAny with Windows:
* Short tutorial on how to use JoyToAny with Linux:
* Short tutorial on how to use JoyToAny with Mac OS X:
* Short tutorial on how to use JoyToAny with OSX:
To get a complete list of tutorials and videos and to find your missing features just go to the gamepad-info-page (tutorials, video, wiki, forums, technical specs and more)
Because of long download times for the newer version you should download the version 0.4.3 at first.
To get the new features you should download the newest version 0.4.3.
There is a windows version and linux version of JoyToAny.
You can find the download for the gamepad-info-page here (find the gamepad-info-page in the menu).
The newest version of JoyToAny is more complete, but the older version is better to get the newest features.
JoyToAny Wiki
This is a wiki page for JoyToAny. You can read and edit the page for yourself here
If you have any questions, problems or suggestions about JoyToAny please write it on this page.
We are looking forward to your ideas.
You can also write your ideas and suggestions on the gamepad-info-page or on my userpage here:


JoyToAny Crack+ Activation Code PC/Windows 2022

A simple Macro-Programm for setting the keys to “bind”.
Install this program in your DOS-Folder and execute it from there.
keymacro.bat nome.macro

This program is already in DEVELOPMENT
Version 1.0


JoyToAny Activation Code for PC, Cracked JoyToAny With Keygen for Mac, JoyToAny for PocketPC (thanks to Philip-Das-Blog)

Curent Version:

Comments, suggestions, problems?
You can send me a email, or send me a message via
Hope you like my program.

The above belongs to Georg “Gausi” Kowarik, all code on this page is only a
work-in-progress and can be changed or updated at any time.
Do not blame me if something isn’t working or if something is missing.
You may only use my code on your own sites (never sell it, send it to others or use
it in a commercial environment).
This program is still under development, there are many things not finished yet and
therefore not working.
If you want to help me develop this, send me an email (see below).

This is an English version of my program, the program is of course in German.
If you don’t speak German, please ask someone who does, and have them translate my

The above belongs to Georg “Gausi” Kowarik, all code on this page is only a
work-in-progress and can be changed or updated at any time.
Do not blame me if something isn’t working or if something is missing.
You may only use my code on your own sites (never sell it, send it to others or use
it in a commercial environment).
This program is still under development, there are many things not finished yet and
therefore not working.
If you want to help me develop this, send me an email (see below).

This is an English version of my program, the program is of course in German.
If you don’t speak German, please ask someone who does, and have them translate my


JoyToAny License Key Full [Latest]

JoyToAny is a Plugin-Framework for joysticks and gamepads. It’s features are:
-basic joystick- and gamepad-controls
-code a plugin for your joystick/gamepad
-users can easily integrate their own custom code (plugins)
All examples are based on the following example:
void main()
while (1)
JoyToAny_Joystick joystick(0);
JoyToAny_Gamepad gamepad(joystick);

//Script: x = joystick.x; y = joystick.y; //Get Y-Axis and X-Axis Values
if (joystick.getAnalogButtonDown(1)) { //Analog-Button was pressed
if (joystick.getAnalogButtonDown(2)) {
JoyToAny_Key key(joystick); //Get a Key-Button-Value
if (key.getKeyDown(VK_F12)) { //VK_F12 is key for Windows-Controls
key.send(“W”); //Send “W”


You can also use all examples in the source-folder: /examples (See sample-plugin-examples-for-joytoany in the plugins-folder)
The source-folder: /examples/scripts is the place where you can use all the example-scripts.
How to Compile
You need to build the sources you want to run. You have to use the following commands:
g++ main.cpp

What’s New In?

JoyToAny brings the control for your Joysticks / Gamepads into your menu bar. You can configure it to work with your Joystick via the “Joystick GUI” / “Joystick Config”. If you want to configure your gamepad, please use the “Gamepad GUI”.

JoyToAny comes with a “Joystick GUI” that has several options for your joysticks.

If you have a joystick and want to use it to control something, for example your joystick is a input on your pc and you want to use it as a “mouse” for your game, then you can use the “Mouse GUI” / “Mouse Config”. If you have a joystick and want to use it as a gamepad, then you can use the “Gamepad GUI”.

Version 1.4.0 of JoyToAny has been released on the 12th of December 2003. The most important changes are:

– Use of JoyToAnyMenuBar instead of using JoyToAnyConfig to load the Joystick GUI. You can now easily switch between Joystick config- and Joystick GUI with a single click.

– Two new GUI for joysticks: Mouse GUI and Gamepad GUI. Both GUIs are based on the same config-file, so you can have the same options for them. If you have more than one joystick, you should use the Mouse GUI instead of the old “Joystick GUI”. If you want to configure your Gamepad via JoyToAny, please use the Gamepad GUI.

– Completely new main GUI for JoyToAnyConfig.

Version 1.2.0 of JoyToAny has been released on the 13th of November 2002. The most important changes are:

– JoyToAnyMenuBar now provides a autostart feature that makes the GUI for the “Joystick GUI” / “Joystick Config” load automatically when you start your computer. You can now easily switch between Joystick config- and Joystick GUI with a single click.

– New “Help” and “About” menu with documentation and support questions that will be answered in a forum at

– Added Winamp plugin – When you hit a button on your Gamepad, Winamp will now play the corresponding audiofile.

Version 1.1.0 of JoyToAny has been released on the 22nd of June 2002. The most important changes are:

– Added Mouse GUI

– Added Playsound GUI

– Bugfixes and small improvements

Version 1.0.3 of JoyToAny has been released on the 4th of June 2002. The most important changes are:

– Added Mouse GUI

– Added Winamp GUI

– Added Winctrl GUI

– Improved joystick settings in JoyToAnyConfig

Version 1.

System Requirements:

64-bit Windows XP or later (32-bit systems are not supported).
Intel Pentium 4 or later CPU
DirectX 9 graphics card (Vista users will be able to use this game in DirectX 8 mode, but performance may suffer)
20 GB of available hard disk space
30 MB of free disk space required for the installation of graphics drivers.
16 GB of free hard disk space required for the installation of the game.
Hardware Requirements:
According to Russian websites’ previews, the game



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